Thursday, July 9, 2009


Today Marks sister Ev posted this picture (above) of their Grandmother Doña Evelia Rodriguez . Beautiful, isnt she? Its very exciting to come across photos of "Us". Not literally " Us" but where we come from. Theres nothing greater than looking through photo albums of how we once were or who are parents/grand/great parents were. Just got a little excited and decided to post some family pictures to look back on. Enjoy

Great Grandmother Anne ( my side of the family ) and her brother Bill ( to her left) July 1950 Wildwood , New Jersey.
Grandma Alice (age 16) with her Mother Anne down at the shore one Easter.

Pop Pop Bernie and Grandma Alice.

Pop Pop Bernie thinking hes cool in mink.

GreatGrandfather Roth and GreatGrand Anne

Grandma Alice (age 10 ) , Philadelphia.

Pop Pop and Grandma, I love this picture. So classic

Marks Grandmother Rowena

Paw Paw Carroll and Grandmother Rowena wedding. Dont they look great? So happy and so beautiful.

Grandmother Rowena (age 18) high school photo.

Paw Paw "Navy Guy", Jacksonville, FL.

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