Monday, October 19, 2009

Far Behind But Ahead

Wow, you cant catch up sometime. I look at the last post that I never finished but started a month ago! As of yesterday Chloe is 3 months old. People look at that and not think much , but it really seems like a long/short time. So much can happen in so little time. Like bringing a life into the world. I love my babies. Mark is now 18 months , super wow. He is so big! Everyone always thinks he is 2. Right when we started wondering when he would start talking , it started picking up. He will randomly copy words , and loves to say " car" "book" "yes". Other words are random. Its can be so weird to hear him say words. Its sad to say but I already forgot what he first said to me , but all I can remember thinking was " Dear Lord , hes possessed". LOL. Then after the shock I was thrilled.

As for us as a family , we have been training for 4 half marathons, changing dirty diapers , launching a website, Mark has been studying ... well I could go on. Here is a little bit of us...

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